Hannah’s Hands of Hope

Beyond the Shore and Through the Storm

Mike Resslx • Jul 11, 2015

Today in our Beyond the Shore series we’re chatting with Anneliese Hopkins. If strength had a name it would be Anneliese, and if it could, it would hug you with her arms. Please welcome,  Anneliese!


They say that whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. Let’s be real. I say that whatever doesn’t kill you, doesn’t kill you! They also say that after the storm comes a rainbow, or two or three. But haven’t you ever sat there after a storm waiting on that impending rainbow, only to not have it show up? I know I have, but the amazing thing is that God is still there, rainbow or not, and that is what I cling to.

Not too long ago I was in one of the worst storms of my life. I was looking for a way out of a very abusive, very lonely marriage. I had no money, lived far away in the state of New Jersey where my ex-husband was from and had no immediate support system surrounding me. Every day I would literally cry out to God asking Him to for an escape from a relationship that was killing me, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I begged Him for a way to move back to Colorado where I belonged. There was no way out and it was totally up to Him to not just give me faith to know that He would take care of me, but to pave the path to the freedom I so desperately needed and wanted.

That faith wasn’t all rosy and smile filled either. That faith was me on my face before God and clinging to Him when I felt like I was drowning in my own tears, snot and pain. Pain that ravished my very soul.  I was surrounded by darkness and abuse and hopelessness. It was messy and scary. My faith was in a hope, a God, that I couldn’t see, and I was trying to stay alive in between the two. This was faith in my God that was not pretty or easy, but very, very real.

During this time, I drove a pretty nice van that we had purchased while living in New Jersey and may sound silly, but it was actually a spot of joy in my life. It ran well, got us to where we needed to go, had an amazing CD player and was often a place I’d just go to sit in and pray. Looking back I think I actually took that van for granted and clung to it a little too tightly. But, God would use it to get me back to Colorado, just not in the way I thought.

One morning I was driving my ex-husband to work and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. We were chatting like we did every morning and listening to worship music when, WHAM, our world literally started spinning. Another driver cut us off, in a rush to get to the Dunkin Donuts next to us. In an instant our van was totaled and my little bit of joy on earth was shattered along with it. Thankfully nothing, other than the little bit of peace I had left in my heart, was injured and we all walked away unscathed. She confessed the accident was her fault and we began the process of filing a claim.

At the end of the claim process we were awarded nearly $4,000. Naturally, we thought we would use it to buy another vehicle, but God had other plans. Little did I know the escape I had been crying out for would come in the form of a claim check. God had answered my prayer and I used that money to go back home to Colorado. My heart went through every emotion possible knowing this meant leaving my husband. Even though our relationship was unhealthy and toxic, leaving an abusive spouse is not as easy as one might think. But that’s another story for another day and leave him I did.

One week after the accident we purchased another vehicle and two weeks after that, my Dad flew out to the east coast to drive me home. There was no rainbow as we started the drive home,  my heart was in a million pieces. With each passing mile I could see a slivers of hope through those dark storm clouds and I knew my Jesus was holding me close. God had made a way home. The words that He will never leave us nor forsaken us echoed through my mind and began to solidify my hope.

Faith did indeed see me through the storm and faith has seen me through every day since.


Anneliese has a heart to bring others peace and encouragement by sharing her story with others. She lives in Colorado with her cat and enjoys crafts, singing, and having coffee with friends. She can often be found listening to worship music while transforming her past into words that she hopes touches the hearts of her readers.

You can connect with Anneliese on  Facebook  and you have to go check out her shop:  Rushing Rain Creations !

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